

Yes! We can offer additional discounts for wholesale customers that purchase in larger volumes. If you are interested in our products and need a custom order, please feel free to contact us at any time via email: order@muibao.com.
We are very glad to help you. 
Molly crafts studio is based in Tianjin China and has a huge handmade arts community. Our official social account has already over 100,000 followers around the world. We can offer great value handmade materials and products for your business. 


Tiers are based on your total annual purchase volume.   These coupon codes will only work for approved customers.

1. All approved wholesale accounts can use coupon code SILVER to receive 15% off your order.  No annual purchase volume.

2. All approved wholesale account with total purchases over $250.00.  Use coupon code GOLD to receive 20% off your order.

3.  All approved wholesale account with total purchases over $500.00. Use coupon code PLATINUM to receive 25% off your order.

Coupon codes will only work for customers that have set up and been approved for a wholesale account and meet the required purchase volume.  Apply today via email: order@muibao.com.

If you purchase volume will over $1000, We will offer  

  • Custom Volumes to meet your company needs
  • More Competitive pricing
  • Fast shipping times to your location 

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